Carl Welkisch - Mystic and Healer

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Clair sense


He only rarely revealed what he was hiding behind a smile. It could be a grin about a funny incident, or he was becoming aware of certain connections that are hidden from people who do not have clair senses.


The more time people spent with Carl Welkisch the less doubts they had about the world hidden from our physical senses. Even his closest friends often felt blind and deaf next to him when he spoke about his experiences of the invisible reality as if it was nothing special.


Those who had initially envied Carl Welkisch for his extraordinary abilities soon realized that his life by no means became any easier as a result of his abilities, but that they rather made it enormously more difficult.


Herrenhausen 1976

One of the clair senses that Welkisch had particularly well developed was clairsentience, the ability to clearly sense all three parts of a human being: the body, the soul and the spirit. Even the areas of the soul and the spirit he experienced as a form of matter - he referred to it as ethereal matter. His clairsentience helped him become a very successful healer, but he also had to pay a high price for it. In order to diagnose his patients’ condition, he had to sense their illness in his own body, and he had to then treat them in the same painful way, i.e. eliminate the toxins they had absorbed.


Carl Welkisch's comprehensive ability to experience reached such an extent that he was largely defenseless against the depth of his sensations. For us, just using the basic five senses of our body can already come with a lot of struggles. Welkisch, in addition to the normal five senses, experienced the world with the senses of his soul and spirit, a burden from which most people are spared.


The particular struggle of people with clair senses, above all, is the fact that their environment cannot relate to their clair senses and therefore can hardly take it into account, similar to how someone having migraines suffers from the carefreeness of the healthy people around him.


According to Welkisch's realizations, humanity in general is developing towards a state where the boundaries between the so-called visible and the invisible world will gradually be removed as much as this permeability no longer restricts people in their free decisions, but rather supports them on their path through life.




